WOMEN HEAL…“Stepping Stones to Finding YOU” is a NU P.A.S.S.A.G.E (People achieving Soul, Sight, Accountability, Growth and Excellence). NU P.A.S.S.A.G.E is a 501©3 not-for-profit “wholistic” charitable/mentoring, networking organization whose key allegiance is the 5-PILLAR MISSION (framework):
1. HARMONY 2. UNITY 3. EXCELLENCE 4. RECIPROCITY 5. BALANCE/RIGHT ORDER. It was inspired in 1994 and empowers one to find one’s own life purpose while coloring your life, exploring wholistic retreats, sacred dimensions and key pathways of serenity, enlightenment, harmony, balance, reciprocity and AMA-ZZZING wisdom experiences.

WOMEN HEAL OBJECTIVE: To effectively build confidence; a mind-set of wholistic excellence; good moral/spiritual character, leadership skills and discipline.

WOMEN HEAL OBJECTIVE: To provide guidance and support services to educate/re-educate and polish brilliant analytic and inventive frontrunners who promote peace, harmony, unity, balance and mastery of one’s self.

WOMEN HEAL OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate valuable insights (needs, strengths, abilities, interests, spirituality) and developmental preparedness, interconnectedness in a continuous paradigm of collective enlightenment.

WOMEN HEAL OBJECTIVE: To seek “WHOLISTIC” knowledge/re-education to KNOW THYSELF; to LOVE THYSELF, to MASTER SELF by channeling into being an inner path of immaterial reality in all realms where all beings benefit.


WOMEN HEAL executes with a critical and profound need to transform into our true beauty through self-love, self-assessment, self-respect, self-actualization, self-determination, self-mastery and balance in our lives. Thus, these horizons expand to help us achieve our maximum personal and spiritual potential and our highest level through Stepping Stones:

Stepping Stones is a journey of beginning again, RENEWAL, HEALING, SELF-DISCOVERY, BECOMING WHOLE, PERSONAL-MASTERY and TRANSFORMATION. “When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. BUT SHE HAD WINGS!”(Dean Jackson) (YES!!! Like a caterpillar, the world as you know seems like it has ended, but you have merely transformed into a beautiful butterfly vested, undivided and unbroken). MESSAGE: TO TRANSFORM FROM THE FLOOR TO FLYING!!! AT THE ALTITUDE OF AN EAGLE. TO ASSOCIATE WITH THOSE OF THE SAME AND WHO WILL HELP TO INCREASE YOU BY CELEBRATING EACH OTHER.

Therefore the overall purpose of WOMEN HEAL is to begin again with more wisdom, purpose and mind-fullness. The keys are effective communication with understanding SELF, accountability with SELF, affirming SELF, determination with SELF and mastering SELF first and foremost. One must go above and beyond by understanding that nothing happens by itself: “You cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it.” A. Einstein. Start stepping…

1. Roots (knowing oneself)

2. Rejuvenation (cleansing)

3. Re-education (awareness)

4. Restoration (building up)

5. Re-affirmation (positive mind-set)

6. Re-inforcement (pro-activity)

7. Reciprocity (pay forward) where all beings benefit)

THANK YOU KINDLY IN THE SPIRIT OF MA’AT (order, balance, harmony, truth, reciprocity, propriety, righteousness).

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CONTACT US: artmaat@aol.com / 601-896-4400