IN THE SPIRIT OF MA’AT (order, balance, harmony, truth, reciprocity, propriety, righteousness).
1. Roots (KNOWing oneself) WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOURSELF? Be honest with yourself. Seek truth continuously. Admit your areas of weakness and continue to crystallize and work on those areas. What is your family history? Ask questions. Keep searching for answers to create right order and truth in your life.
2. Rejuvenation (CLEANsing) HOW WILL YOU ASSESS YOURSELF AND CREATE EQUINIMITY? Listen to yourself. Admit you are vulnerable. Like an onion un-robe yourself one layer at a time. Seek harmony via meditation, guided meditation, places of water etc…
3. Re-education (AWAREness) WHO IS YOUR MENTOR? Talk with those who can help you and can contribute to your growing in all realms of your life. Use the technique of brainstorming. Overcome confusion. Balance your thinking.
4. Restoration (building UP) HOW WILL YOU CREATE WHOLENESS IN YOUR LIFE? Learn from the experience of others. Do not assume anything. Take responsibility for your own actions while climbing to a higher level of consciousness. Direct your steps with new “innergy/energee”and optimism.
5. Re-affirmation (positive mind-SET) HOW WILL YOU MAKE IT A HABIT TO AFFIRM PRO-ACTIVITY? Seek peace of mind via meditation, guided meditations and being around like-minded beings.
6. Re-inforcement (PRO-activity) HOW WILL YOU APPLY WHAT YOU KNOW? How will you set an example of righteousness? How will you inspire others to learn more, dream more, do better and become better?
7. Reciprocity (pay forward) where ALL beings benefit) What is your mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, plan and steps to pay forward what you have learned to all beings and to the universe?